1.It is a green flag with a yellow diamond, and a blue circle in the center of the diamond.
2.The blue circle oxide films on fuel rods near the welded zone by electron beam (EB) welding were formed after corrosion tests.
3.TIP: In the Properties view, properties that have been modified are indicated by a blue circle (see figure 6).
4.Stake holders in this project are the Cement Industry Federation, Monash University, Blue Circle Cement and Strategix Training Group.
5.You can click the blue circle to reset a property to its default value, which is indicated by a white circle.
6.The 3D view will change to the new camera, and the 2D windows will display your camera as a blue circle with a line leading from it.
7.Enabled breakpoints are indicated with a blue circle.
8.Within the rhombus there is a sky - blue circle and in the center there are white stars of different sizes and a white band.
9.And you will see your video image with a blue circle drawn wherever the motion coordinates are.
10.At times, you may see the dot surrounded by a light blue circle to indicate uncertainty about your location.